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Pretty In Pink! Awards Shows Shockers!
Oscar awards surprise upstaged by Tea Party straw poll shocker.
It was only a mild surprise to see James Franco pretty in a pink dress considering he was co-hosting the entertainment event of the year, but it was absolutely shocking when pizza king turned Atlanta conservative radio rant jockey, Herman Cain, came out ahead of Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney in the live straw poll among tea people in attendance at the Tea Party straw poll rally and rant event held in Phoenix, Arizona. As expected, Ron Paul was the online straw poll winner with 125% of the vote.
February 28, 2011. Phoenix Tea People Awards
She's Gonna Blow!
Government shutdown showdown brewing as Speaker Boehner may be losing control of new emotions bubbling up.
Republican Tea Party caucus members have defied their Speaker by pushing for a full blown government shutdown. A real life game of crazy chicken has pushed the situation to the boiling point and threatens to make a watery soup of the nation's economic recovery.
February 27, 2011. Tea Party Bonfire & Padlock.
Showdown brewing while Boehner fights to hold back tears!
Thune Tunes Out! Thune Tunes Out, Can't Make It Without Murdoch's $ Millions!
Thune quits race due to lack of support from Rupert Murdoch and his FOX NEWS cabal.
Thune said he doesn't have a multimillion dollar book deal with Rupert Murdoch like Sarah Palin. Thune also said he doesn't have a multimillion dollar cable talk show on Rupert Murdoch's FOX cable like Mike Huckabee. And finally Thune said he doesn't even have a multimillion dollar FOX contributor deal like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and John Bolton. Thune concluded that since he could not compete with Murdoch's minion's he will stay in the U.S. Senate and do Murdoch's bidding there in exchange for the promise that one day Thune will get his share of Rupert Murdoch's money.
February 22, 2011. FOX NEWS Employees Lunchroom.
Trump Ponders Presidential Run!
Donald Trump spent President's Day seriously thinking about running for the GOP Presidential nomination.
A large bronze horse statue was brought in so Trump could get a better idea of what it might feel like to be a President like George Washington. Trump's longtime personal sculpture consultant said The Donald looked comfortable in a variety of heroic and statesmanlike poses. Trump will study his photos on horseback and then decide if he's got the time it will take to run in the 2012 Presidential Derby. He already has the money.
February 21, 2011. Trump Museum Las Vegas.
Trump Ponders Presidential Run!
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was looking like a runner Now Chris Christie Refuses To Run!
Tea Party favorite says he's not ready to run in 2012 Presidential Derby.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had been picking up noticeable support in national GOP 2012 Presidential polls. Christie established a reputation for drastic budget cuts to New Jersey government services which have made him very popular in many states other than New Jersey. However, Christie who is quick with numbers was quick to realize he hasn't accumulated the bankroll needed to compete against the multibillionaire Rupert Murdoch barn and his unprecedented five horse stable. Other Republican Governors have been quick to imitate Christie's style of imposing drastic state budget cuts with no mercy. Draconian budget cuts have become the nationwide norm in Republican state politics since the November election of a new herd of Governors.
February 18, 2011. Monmouth Raceway
Palin Blames Obama! Palin Blames Obama!
Palin crashes on the Road To Ruin, says wreckage was caused by Obama's European-style socialist driver programs being shoved down her throat.
Police officers on the scene were about to check for drunk driving because the driver would not stop ranting about it all being Obama's fault when one officer recognized Palin and realized she was just rehearsing a speech she was scheduled to deliver later that day. The investigation remains open because officers were unable to determine how Obama had caused the accident.
February 17, 2011. Road To Ruin.
Palin Had Prior Wreckage!
Sarah Palin involved in previous accident in Alaska. Obama was also blamed for that wreckage by Palin.
Alaska State Troopers on the scene were suspicious of a drunk driver but the investigation was never finished because they could not locate President Obama who had fled the scene according to Palin. President Obama was also seen that same day near an accident in Washington D.C.
February 17, 2011. Alaska Trooper Archives.
Palin had prior wreck in Alaska!
Ron Paul wins CPAC Straw Poll. Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll!
Texas Congressman Ron Paul pulled 30% of the straws to win the CPAC 2012 GOP Presidential straw poll.
The Conservative Political Action Committee straw poll has historically been a poor predictor of the future but enthusiastic supporters of Ron Paul say time this will be different. This is the third time the 76-year-old Ron Paul has entered the Presidential Derby and the anti-war Libertarian Ron Paul has found new support around the old race track in the budget slashing era of the Republican Tea Party.
February 12, 2011. CPAC Virginia AgriDome
Super Bowl Scandal?
SUPER BOWL SCANDAL! Conservative Congressman Christopher Lee R-NY sacked. Lee was playing for sex via Craig's List when his careless email including a shirtless photo was intercepted. Lee, who is 46 and married, claimed to be 39 and single while looking for a conservative adultorous relationship based on trust and family values. February 9, 2011. GOP X-List
Jon Huntsman Gets Encouragment To Run From Sarah Palin!
Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman will enter the race.
Huntsman reportedly was encouraged to go for it after a stimulating encounter with Sarah Palin. Jon Huntsman currently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to China for the Obama administration and speaks Mandarin Chinese fluently. He resigned his Utah Governor's job six months after a landslide reelection victory to take the Ambassador's post in China. Palin loves Chinese food and made a point of reaching out to the handsome Huntsman at a recent event featuring egg roll appetizers. Huntsman has lived in China before and has been nicknamed "The Manchurian Candidate" by right wing political bloggers.
February 5, 2011 Mandarin Convention Center.
Jon Huntsman was encoraged to run by Sarah Palin.
Who will be the Biggest Loser in 2012?
Who will be the Biggest Loser in 2012? Candidates vow to shed extra pounds for campaign. With Mitt Romney looking a young Jack LaLanne, several of the other candidates plan to hire personal trainers so their physiques won't become the object of ridicule running against physically fit candidates like Romney or ultimately Obama. February 3, 2011. GOP/RNC Gym and Sauna

67 Prior Posts - since October 1, 2010 OPENING DAY The 2012 Presidential Derby
January 2011 ..........December 2010 ..........November 2010..........October 2010

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